Custom & Standardized Mechanical Testing
Not only can BEAR assist in testing to the various industry or international standards (ASTM, ISO, MIL-spec), we can also assist in creating custom test setups and engineer unique test plans to meet your needs. While standards testing is useful in confirming generic properties, custom testing can help test and evaluate your design for application specific needs.
What is Standardized Testing?
Standardized testing is usually agreed upon by the committee or organization setting the standard. Some are international, where professional from across industries discuss and agree on standards; while others are industry and country specific. These standards are developed as guidelines so that testing done across countries or organizations can be compared apples to apples, but even then, some maybe be quite broad and tangibility is dependent on available equipment capabilities.
It is crucial to have a thorough understanding of these standards to be accurate in testing. BEAR engineers have worked with these standards frequently over the years and have even served on the committees that set such standards, and we are committed to ensuring your test is executed properly. Below, we summarize some of the most commonly used standards.
ASTM International:
ASTM is an international standards committee that sets standards over a variety of industries, from industrial to consumer. Oiginally established to address frequently railway breaks in 1898 in the US, it has expanded into an international organization over the years, and works closely with ISO.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO):
International standards organization compromised of members from various standards organizations. ISO Standards are established based on a global consensus of experts and have some overlap with similar ASTM standards, but should not be assumed to be the same as similarly named ASTM standards.
How Do I Know I Need Custom Testing?

So when does standardized testing not cut it? While standards are helpful in creating data that be compared one-to-one, they don't necessarily cover all applications, whether it be an issue of scale, geometry, or function. That's where custom testing comes in. With such a wide variety of engineered systems, it's crucial to be able to conduct application based testing to evaluate risks that standard setups don't cover.
BEAR Engineers can help you evaluate whether or not standardized testing covers your engineering needs, and if custom testing is more ideal, can help you create the test setup you need and the expertise to analyse and interpret your data. We can also assist in providing suggestions to improving your current or proposed setup to ensure you get the best data possible. Contact us today for a free consultation!
MIL-Spec or MIL-STDs are developed by the US Department of Defense and are generally speaking, aimed at standardizing processes for defense and military applications. That said, these specs are also great references for other industries. Most commonly, these specs are used or referenced in aerospace, automotive, or maritime applications.